Friday, January 13, 2012

according to the intertubes...

... a dog causes an average of nearly 2000 more arguments in a family per year! this surprised me, seeing as how swagger has really added mostly joy & family togetherness... but as i gave it some thought, i realized there is one argument that has been happening over and over. although maybe it's not so much an argument as me being a 4yr old and curtis having to play the role of Patient Dad (which fortunately he's very good at!).

Curtis: swagger - let's go! off the bed! it's bedtime!

(swagger looks at him, then at me, from her position in the absolute middle of the bed)

Me: but i want her...

Curtis: but you don't sleep as well with her in the bed...

Me: but i waaant her....

Curtis: but I don't sleep as well with her in the bed

Me: but i waaaant her....

Curtis: rachel. it's like sleeping with a 50lb bag of wet cement in the middle of the bed.

Me: iknowbutiwaaaantherinthebed...

Curtis: sigh.

Me: how about if we let her sleep her to start and if she makes you crazy you can kick her out! (valiantly trying to haul 50lb of wet cement closer to my side of the bed... failing tremendously.) see! she's on my side...

(at this point curtis smiles wearily and i know that (a) i've won this round and (b) he must really love me to put up with my crazy.)

Curtis: ok. but if i can't sleep i'm kicking her out.

Me: (curling up around swagger in the little space i have, laying my arms across her unyielding frame, and burying my head into her side) ok...

Curtis: sigh.


paige said...

Awww.... That is awesome.

Mrs. Cooper said...

Curtis is so nice. We have the same argument. In opposite roles with JJ wanting her in the bed. I usually just wait till JJ falls asleep, grab Roxy by the collar, drag her off, and shut the door.

Curtis Mulder said...

*sigh* Yep. That's our evenings.