ah, my snarky brother was right - it is hard keeping up a blog! and i make no excuses for having a full and happy life! :) so there!
summer is upon us! hooray! i love nothing more than having my girls out of school, the backyard pool filled and popsicle sticks everywhere.... ahhhhhhhh... this year, we are going to the beach in the outer banks, making a couple of trips to kentucky (with or without curtis), and maybe i'll repaint some furniture. you gotta have goals, you know...
the scary thing is this: at the end of summer, my baby, my youngest daughter, will be in FIRST GRADE. how does something like that happen? i always thought i fell into the catagory of "young mom"... but having a first grader and being thirty*gulp*one i think disqualifies me! it makes me wonder if i might be, indeed, a grown up...makes me wonder what i am doing with my life now - how will i define the years of my girls in school when i look back on them. what will i make of them.
*sigh* such big questions to face at the beginning of summer, when the most i can fathom is whether or not we all have enough sunscreen on. maybe i will leave them for later... it seems to me they're not going anywhere....
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