everyone, this is my new cat...new cat, this is everyone! let's make friends!
i went to the animal protection society of durham this morning, filled out my form and gave my deposit on this beautiful girl. she is a year old, spade and declawed, and when you hold your hand out to her, or call her, she leans in and comes to you and purrs with her mouth open while she drools! it's a beautiful thing! she will be our second cat, and i have high hopes that satchmo will come to love her...he gets along quite well with my mom's cat, walter, so that is in our favor. but this brings me to today's vote! kitty needs a name...
the shelter gave her a name, but she's only had it couple of weeks, so i am giving her a new one, but i am torn! naming is one of the most fun, (and difficult!), things for me. i wanted to name her "pumpkin", but curtis is leaning toward 'billie' - after billie holliday, to go with satchmo (louis armstrong). then we'd have two classic jazz musician names...and i get it, they go together, but she is a very sweet and lovable girl, and i feel like 'pumpkin' is so totally appropriate! i know, i know, it's not rocket science, but still! i care! so i am taking a vote... 'pumkin' or 'billie'? your vote counts! although, i'll be honest, i retain veto power! :) ha!
i hope you all had a lovely christmas - bring on the new year!