Wednesday, February 13, 2008


boy, it's tough blogging when you have to squeeze it into the morning or evening, and not when the idea of what you want to say hits you...becauase that idea is never there when you need it again! :)

some of you who know me, and know my voracious appetite for books, may be wondering why i've not already posted my book review here... but guess what? it's a hard book to read! i am having to go slow, and so it's admittedly taking me a while...but i'm more than half done, and it's worthwhile, so give me a couple more days...

happy wednesday!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

It is true! The same goes for emails. I think of all kinds of absolutely brilliant things to say, and then it just turns into pointless bugging. In contrast with the deep thoughts I send all my friends outside of Lent. Oh wait...