Friday, June 05, 2009

we did it!

unreal. today is the last day of school!

as i prayed for kyra this morning before she left, i said, "kyra, you did it! you survived your first year of middle school!" to which she replied, grinning, "with flying colors and straight a's!" :) she conquered a huge fear, overcame some panic, and grew up right before my eyes. i am so proud of her!

meg is headed into 4th grade, and is a girl of uncommon mercy. for such a wild child, she seeks out the unloved & "unlovable" to befriend, often being the only kind word or touch in the classroom. she is another straight A student, but i am most proud of her merciful heart.

i love these girls. madly. :)

in other news, curtis thought this was offensive. i just thought it was funny. you can judge for yourself by clicking here. you are forewarned. :)


Krissi said...

She's doing WAY better than I did. I failed my first class in middle school. Mind you I said FIRST class, not ONLY class. And yet I still made it into grad school.

And I thought that chart was funny. Too bad you took it off.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Kyra I still have 2 days left, but I'm not worrying about it. I'm so excited about high school and people say high school is really fun so I hope it will be:)

Love ya lots!

Cynthia said...

So, does this mean that Kyra is entering into the grade in which you and I met? Well, we can only hope and pray that she has a teacher as cool and forgiving as Mrs. Martin for when she is caught red handed cheating with her best friend. And a boy as dreamy as Bill Tempany to sit behind and flirt with. And a lunch Lady as awesome as Mrs. Dalburg, who will let her act like a goofy 8th grader even when it's really annoying. And, and, and well I could go on and on.

It's official Rae. We've come full circle :o)

jdhall said...

I was offended too.

"It don't matter" is horrible grammar!