Tuesday, July 14, 2009

don't give up on me yet, baby!

many of know, or have heard of, the good "colonel reverend doctor captain chips" - our fantail goldfish. "chips", as we call him, has been swimming on my counter top for 3 1/2 years! i don't need your goldfish anecdotes - i know they can live for ages - but, really? 3 1/2 years? in a little bowl? needless to say, this is about 3 1/4 years longer than i anticipated him living...

so last night, when he was belly up, tail down - nothing twitching but an eyeball - i figured, "ah, well, chips. it's your time." and decided to leave him in peace over night so the girls could participate in his funeral today.


when i got up this morning, who was swimming around his bowl, all chipper and coming up to the top to eat his breakfast!?!? THE COLONEL! honestly! i think the cats are rubbing off, cause chips seems to have 9 lives...


Krissi said...

Maybe it just needed a rest. I wish I could float belly up sometimes.

Mamie Hall said...

I don't even know how many times I've been at your house and thought it was Chip's last day. He is one amazing fish.

Cynthia said...

Ha! Perhaps this was his way of requesting a bigger bowl. Puttin the fear in ya.

jdhall said...

Hang in there you little fighter!