"Reader, you must know that an interesting fate awaits almost everyone, mouse or man, who does not conform."
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
tech support
also new, i am walking my friends dog! at least for lent, maybe forever! :) yesterday was my first day, and figuring out the harness was tricky, especially since bella (the dog) was so excited she tried to 'help'. i'm sure this actually does help my friend, who knows what she's doing, but bella and i wound up in quite a tangle! we got there eventually, and now i am out the door for day two of dog walking!
Monday, February 26, 2007
patience is a virtue
Thursday, February 22, 2007
dear ol' dad
so dad, if you ever read anything here that causes you concern, just ignore it. :)
funny boy!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
ash wednesday
in other news, it's finally warming up around here! i hear birds chirpping and see squirrels frolicking! hooray! i can finally air out my house and go for a walk without cursing with every step. (for my canadian readers out there, we are going on 20 C all week! hooray! and this is just the baby steps of spring!)
we also bought a laptop yesterday! my dream realized! curtis says it's "ours" and i say it's MINE!! HA HA HA! but dell was having a 25% off presidents sale, and when do you ever get 250$ off a brand new computer? never! so, we bit the bullet, and it should arrive soon! hooray! i am very excited.
also! we are doing this online marriage counselling through eharmony that my mom gave us to use (we are her guinea pigs before she uses the program at the college where she works with married students), and it is surprisingly helpful! we don't have vast marriage "issues", and i didn't know if we'd get anything out of it, but we have - much to our surprise and pleasure! if you are married and interested in having "more", i definitely recommend it.
hmmm. i think that's all. merry lent ... or whatever... to you!
Monday, February 19, 2007
a hodge podge...
2 days til lent starts, and i am still torn. i am considering...
a) giving up fiction reading (a huge, huge sacrifice)
b) fasting over lunches & praying for God's direction on the future of my life (i worry about my motives here...i am a murky soul, and i don't want to use lent as a diet, but on the other hand, i really do need a God given vision for my future. sigh)
c) giving up wine (not as much of a sacrifice, really. maybe it's a copout?)
sigh.... i don't know. any opinions?
Thursday, February 15, 2007
i don't know if you celebrate lent, but if you choose to, i hope that you find your heart drawn to God's heart, and come to easter ready to encounter Jesus.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
complicated woman
and they fit like a dream!! so comfortable! and although she didn't know it when she bought them, they are from the same company that made my very favorite shoe of all time (but i can't show you a picture of them today, since i lent them out to a friend to wear...they are such fabulous shoes that they need to fulfill their shoe destiny by being worn out so people can gasp at their beauty. i will post a pic when i get them returned!) do i not have the coolest mom ever!?
to be fair, though, i must say that she is the biggest contributor to both ends of my spectrum - because all of the deepest workings of my heart are processed with her as well. cheers to you, mom. i love you.
Monday, February 12, 2007
true beauty
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Friday, February 09, 2007
state of the union
those were the words out of my husbands mouth last night, on seeing the msn headline about anna nicole smith's death. until that moment, i honestly didn't even know that he knew who she was. he barely knows who britney spears is. but there it was.... "oh wow". today there are no less than 8 headlines on msn.com that refer to her life and death - the most honest one being "what made us care about anna nicole smith". not that we shouldn't care about people, because we should. but why do people like curtis know who she is? what does it say about our cultural consciousness that she rates top billing over the war, or over....
homeless hospital patients being dumped out of van onto skid row. welcome to hollywood, indeed. in the glorious city of los angelos, a DOZEN - that is TWELVE - hospitals are under investigation for taking their homeless patients and literally throwing them out of vans into alleyways...not taking them to shelters or hospices, but leaving them in their gowns and socks in the worst parts of town, then racing off. really? this is what humanity has come down to? there isn't enough money in the gigantic casino that is the modern american hospital to treat the impoverished with dignity?
i find it sad, these two news items. sad for anna nicole's baby girl, who will grow up with controversy in a lonely house and a whispering city. and my hearts breaks for the inhumanizing humiliation of those too poor to "deserve" help. but most of all, it makes me sad to think that this is where we have landed...where we have ended up. people consumed with decadence and unwilling to help our fellow man - who we could just as easily be, but for the grace of God. i am just a guilty - i lap up the headlines in the kroger checkout aisle, and avoid eye contact with the man on the corner asking for "any help, God bless". and shame on me. i am not capable of changing a nation. but i am capable of changing myself. and perhaps the small ripple of that will affect someone around me, who can -in turn - affect someone else. this is not a new theory, i know...but it's about time it became more than a theory. it's about time it got put into practice. to live generously, love lavishly, give without expecting something back, love those who don't love you, walk with grace through the oceans of hurting people. it seems to me that Someone suggested living like this a long, long time ago. it's about time i got started.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
dear anonymous...
i think i can safely rule out prince william, and maybe even harry (although he seems much more the type to randomly cruise the blogosphere). i am also ruling out katie holmes (too brainwashed), paris hilton (too self-involved) and paula abdul (too high/drunk/mentally unstable). i do not think you are my mother (too busy) or my father (incapable of online navigation).
i have high hopes that you might be someone i actually would love to get an email from...an old friend rarely heard from, perhaps. someone who i would be pleasantly surprised to know is "out there"...
so, here is my best, educated guess. (drumroll, please...) j.k rowling. am i right?? did i get it?? i know you've got a lot of time on your hands, what with finishing 'deathly hallows'...will you send me a free copy since i guessed it was you?? hooray!
Saturday, February 03, 2007
like the abominable snow man

Friday, February 02, 2007
to tell my daughter
that this world does not seem made for sparklers.
but rather
for smooth bulbs in sockets
with carefully measured watts & volts,
that turn on and off at appropriate times
here the unpredictable spark
unreliable heat
flashing beauty
are risky -
pinched carefully from the end
and set down with quiet relief
when sparks die
no, it is not made for them
but it needs them.
without sparklers there would be no
spinning or laughter
no arms swooped in langorous, wide circles
trailing ribbons of smoke
in curlicues
no naked feet in night damp'd dew
no clinging grass on nightgown hems
don't be afraid to let your spark fly
you will be a flashing
beautiful risk
that someone can take
and they will need you
Thursday, February 01, 2007
deja vu all over again
this morning, the snow is more reminicent of home - a grey sky with fat flakes drifting slowly that look like they are going to fall all day. the girls are home (again) and going out to play in the snow (again) ... and i must admit that although i never enjoyed the cold once i got into the double digits, i have fond fond childhood memories of playing in the snow until it got dark enough for the street lights to come on (roughly 4:14pm in the dead of winter), watching flakes the size of pennies float through the shafts of orange light...if you stood still under them, looking up, you were gradually transported into space - with stars passing on either side of you as you traveled the galaxy. there were no cars on the dark, snowy streets, and it was a childs kingdom to rule. warm light spilled from windows, foggy breath making the scarf around your chin damp, and air so still you could hear a sound for blocks.
i don't want to go back - to live where i felt cold all the time - but i am glad that my girls will have something of the memory i do. as long as they are back at school tomorrow.