Wednesday, July 09, 2008

raising awareness

there is an issue that we don't talk about; a group that goes unnoticed by far too many of us. i am talking, of course, about the suicidal snails.

my daughter brought one such snail home from school. a water snail, it seemed to cohabit happily with The Colonel (our goldfish). recently tho, i'd been finding him circling the top of the bowl, half in and half out of the water...and i would gently nudge him back into the bowl, thinking nothing of it. until yesterday.

yesterday, i came home to find him at the bottom of the bowl - on the outside. he had crawled out and down, clearly trying to end his tiny water snail life. i hurriedly plucked him and dropped him back into the water, hoping i wasn't too late... today he is on the move again, but i'm going to have to keep an eye on him. who knew snails were so emotionally complex?


Sarah said...

Have you considered going to the magistrate regarding a petition for involuntary commitment?

Anonymous said...

That is actually totally normal snail behavior. The floating at the top of the water is something that they do in the wild to relocate when they want an area with different food. The crawling onto land is also perfectly normal, as the snail seems to be trying to find a new pond to play in. I would recommend dropping a piece of romaine or iceburg lettuce into the fishbowl. He'll latch onto that (and eat it) and stop trying to move on.

Curtis Mulder said...

jeepers, vinny - you're a handy boy to have around! :) lettuce is floating as i *speak*...

Marilyn said...

wow ... JV should be a snail psychologist ... your snail is just looking for bigger and better things, or a companion not as gay as Dr. Captain Chips.