Thursday, February 15, 2007


february 21 is the beginning of lent this year. i am not, and haven't ever been, catholic, and so lent was a foreign and mysterious thing to me until fairly recently in my adult life. basically, it is the 40 days leading up to easter that followers of Jesus use to prepare our hearts to mark his death and resurrection. traditionally, this is done by giving up something, with every sunday as a 'free' day (indulge to your hearts content.) sadly, for many christians, whatever their church tradition, lent is a willpower boost to losing 10 lbs (by giving up, say, chocolate or bread), which really removes any of the original intent and meaning from the discipline. as i have begun the practice of lent in the last 6 or 7 years, i have found my heart equally opened to God by what i add, as well as what i take away. for example, adding a practice of prayer or reading, or the much harder discipline of kindness or love. this year, as the lenten season approaches, i find myself very much needing to be drawn into the heart of God, and have spent a lot of time thinking about what i am going to add or subtract to my life next week. i have a couple of ideas...

i don't know if you celebrate lent, but if you choose to, i hope that you find your heart drawn to God's heart, and come to easter ready to encounter Jesus.


Anonymous said...

I'm not Catholic either, but I love the practice of lent as our personal re-journey to the cross each year...Discovering more of Him and less of us.

Great post!

kristine said...

you're always the one to challange me to do such girlie. guess i better start thinking

Anonymous said...

I celebrate lent! and I love the constant reminder of God's sacrifice leading up to the Easter. Amen, sister!