Wednesday, March 14, 2007


it's quickly rising up to the forcast 84...what are you doing inside cruising the blogosphere?? go outside!! hurry - it's not going to last through the weekend...

oh, fickle spring, how i love thee!


Anonymous said...

84!!! Now it's too hot!!! What happened to 73???

Anonymous said...

"Spring, sweet Spring, is the year's pleasant King." (Thomas Nash)

I took your little personality profile quiz...
Extravert 11 - 0 Introvert
Sensor 0 - 11 Intuitive
Thinking 0 - 13 Feeling
Perceptive 13 - 0 Judging

Apparently I'm an ENFP. Not that we're surprised.

Anonymous said...

Oh, shit, I forgot to write my name on there. It's ol' JVE, listening to Joan of Arc play the recorder with her nose.

kristine said...

you all suck,it's -3(27) here. yay spring.