Monday, November 26, 2007

birthday eve

well, it is my birthday eve.

most of the celebrations have passed - my new cell phone, "thanksmas" @ mom's, a gift from my in-laws - but i am content. i made myself a chocolate cake to have for breakfast with my coffee, will have lunch with a friend tomorrow, and this weekend we're having a big party (for someone else, but a party full of people i love, so that's alright with me).

i am 32 years old. i have a rich life - full of family & friends, a home i love in a place i love, freedom & opportunity, God who loves me - gift upon gift upon gift upon gift. things go wrong, and life goes sideways, but the deep truth is, "the boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places". it's more than i deserve...and i'm grateful.

thanks, God.


Sarah said...

Yay! Happy Birthday Eve!

Anonymous said...

You obviously haven't gotten the package I sent yet, because believe me, the celebrations have just begun. Muwahahaha!
