have you heard of this book, 'six word memoirs'? famous and not so famous writers writing their memoirs in 6 words or less. for instance:
"almost a victim of my family" - chuck sangster
"a psychic said i'd be richer" - elizabeth bernstein
"painful nerd kid, happy nerd adult" - linda williamson
so i've been thinking about this. what 6 words would i write as my memoirs? here is what i came up with... having trouble with just one, but i narrowed it down to 4:
i'm really not that high maintenance.
God flung open all my doors.
my people, my cat, my books.
a little eyeliner never hurt anyone.
please write your 6 word memoir(s) in the comments section! :)
rachel how do u do six word memoirs? Idk how, but it sounds like fun.
Joey Carters gurl
I'm might not be on tonight cause we have a basketball game.
just write you life in 6 words... you can do it! ... and you are *way* more than just joey carter's girl!
"Peace and tension are not paradoxical."
"God is like the ocean: untamable."
"Asbury Seminary is no ordinary place."
Broken glass + God = Stained Glass Window
"My life is quiet and sweet."
It was one of the first things Kim wrote to me when we rekindled our friendship a year and a half ago. I loved it so much that I adopted it as my own.
overwhelmed and anxious needing more sleep
falling forward in hopes of something
well to me I am daddy's little gurl, Joey's and Gods.
JC gurl
I too cannot pick just one:
God is there every single time.
Stubborn little girl. Determined, strong woman.
Independent rebel becomes fully devoted to God. (I like that one the best) :0)
even if it is 7 words :-P
Here are a few:
I'm Chinese, not neccesarily a
Teaching kids is like touching light.
My daughter is the best thing.
Patience is the art of hoping. (My new life mantra!)
ooo - angela - i like that last one! very profound!!
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