i heard an interesting discussion about the death penalty while i was driving to church yesterday morning. the most interesting thing was that it was taking place between my 11 & 9 year old daughters. it began with meg asking, "mom, do you know who adolf hitler was? is he still alive?" and kyra responding to the latter by saying, "he killed himself so he wouldn't get killed by the government." (logic not being hitler's strong suit, apparently.) it went on and on, and in an effort to change the subject i interjected and told the girls that it was a big issue, and it would take more than a couple minutes in the car to figure it all out and decide if you were for it or against it.
meg paused only one or two seconds before saying, "i think i'm against it."
"oh really? why?"
"because when they killed God (Jesus) and he came back, he didn't kill them."
she's got a point.
Your girls have a pretty straight-forward way of attacking these big issues. Remember sitting at the kitchen table at Christmas, over root beers, when Kyra suddenly asked, "Uncle Vinny, can you explain evolution?" And then at the end, she said, "Huh. That makes sense."
true enough! i think their minds are more nimble than ours... not set in their neuropathways yet. you really helped kyra understand that, you know! you are a good teacher...
I may not have come out with the same logic about Jesus that your daughter did (and it was a good point), but I can't disagree. In Quaker circles we have a phrase when fellow Quakers (or Friends) say something we agree with. We respond with, "That Friend speaks my mind." Your daughter may not be Quaker, but I think I can say, "That friend speaks my mind." I love the lack of bull shit from kids. They get straight to the point. It's beautiful.
oh wow.
very insightful...
i love kids. and how true-can honestly say i have never heard that viewpoint! it works!
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