Thursday, January 22, 2009

public service announcement

people. 'lie to me'. watch it. if you missed the pilot last night, it's on
true, you have to get past tim roth's 'rob roy' character (if you haven't seen it, he is the epitome of insane creepiness and it scarred me for years!), but it is totally worth it. the mulders give it 4 stars!


Oz said...

I don't know... 4 Canadian stars is only equal to about 2.5 US stars and we work on a 5 star system, not that metric crap. :) (I'll probably Hulu it soon. Thanks for the tip.)

Annie said...

Yay! I loved this show and I always think of Tim Roth in the Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead role...much less creepy! :0)

The Goerzen Girls...and Art said...

I was pretty excellent!

Sarah said...

Television shmelevision

Marilyn said...

this is my new favorite show, hands down.